What is the most popular type of canned fish in the world?

The consumption of canned fish has conquered palates around the world, and among all the options, there is a king that stands out for its versatility and popularity: tuna.

The reign of canned tuna

Canned tuna is a jewel in the global food industry. Its powerful flavor and meaty texture have made it a favorite on tables around the world. In addition to its delicious taste profile, tuna is known for being an excellent source of lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids, providing cardiovascular health benefits. It is also a good source of protein and other nutrients, such as vitamin D and selenium.

According to the FAO, the global consumption of canned tuna for 2023 is estimated at 11.5 million tons. If this is the case, this data would represent an increase of 2.7% compared to 2022, when consumption reached 11.2 million tons.

The upward trend in the consumption of canned tuna is due to a number of factors, including:

  • Growing awareness of the health benefits of oily fish.
  • The convenience of canned fish, which is easy to prepare and store.
  • The increase in the world population, which is creating a greater demand for food.

The versatility of canned tuna makes it perfect for salads, sandwiches, main courses and even sushi Its ease of use in everyday meals and its long shelf life make it a reliable companion in the pantry, ready to be used at any time.

Exploring new horizons

As palates expand and consumers seek variety, other canned fish options are also gaining ground.

El atún sigue siendo el rey indiscutible, pero su reinado no está exento de competidores cercanos. Sardinas, salmón y caballa ofrecen una amplia variedad de sabores y beneficios nutricionales, lo que permite a los consumidores explorar nuevos horizontes gastronómicos.

In the case of sardines, they are the type of canned fish that competes most closely with tuna. Although official sources are still compiling data, it is estimated that in 2023, the global consumption of canned sardines would be around 4.7 million tons, which represents an increase of 3.5% compared to the previous year.

Sardines are classified as oily fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and they are also a good source of protein and other nutrients, such as vitamin D and calcium.

The third place on the podium is at stake, with salmon and mackerel competing to be in the top of the most prized canned goods.

With its characteristic color and distinctive flavor, canned salmon is an elegant alternative to tuna. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, salmon adds a gourmet touch to salads and main courses. Mackerel, on the other hand, offers unique nuances of flavor and texture. In addition to its exceptional flavor, mackerel is a source of essential nutrients. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, high quality proteins and vitamins such as B12 and D.

Each can of preserves tells a story of tradition, health and gastronomic adventure. While tuna wears the crown, sardines, salmon and mackerel seek to reach that coveted first place, offering consumers the possibility to explore and enjoy a diversity of flavors and nutritional benefits.

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