From the very beginning, every generation that’s passed through Unión Salazonera Isleña has taken responsibility for preserving and growing the legacy we’ve received.
1973 – USISA is founded.
A key date in our history, when the reorganisation of Isla Cristina’s main salting industries was completed and the company’s incorporation was made official.
1980 – Acquisition of the TEJERO brand.
After the acquisition of other tinning companies, including Cabot and Pérez y Feu, USISA’s tinning work started growing in earnest and received an important boost in the market with the arrival of the TEJERO brand and the acquisition of a recognised brand.
1990 – Opening of branches in Valencia and Barcelona.
We increased our presence throughout the country, strengthening our relationship with customers and showing greater proximity and responsiveness to demand.
1990 – Signing of the first company collective bargaining agreement.
2000-2001 – Construction of the new facilities.
After an investment of 15 million euros, the new facilities were built, which accommodate a total of 80,000 square metres.
2002 – Entry to the most important distributors in the national market.
This gave us market presence throughout the country, with the backing of the major distribution groups.
2003 – Our staff increases to over 250 employees.
2003 – Entry into the Regulatory Council for the Caballa y Melva de Andalucía PGIs (Andalusian Mackerel and Andalusian Frigate Mackerel).
2012 – We obtain our first IFS seal.
We obtained the IFS European quality standard certification. This standard is used to develop new products and continuously improve the production process.
2015 – We obtain the Protected Geographical Indication “Mojama de Isla Cristina”.
2017 – Opening of the online shop.
2018 – Q Sostenible certification.
We obtained the Q Sostenible sustainable development certification, being one of the few canneries that have it.
2020 – Three generations of the family are still working together.
2021 – Installation of the 600 kW photovoltaic plant,
enabling self-consumption and energy savings of 35%.
2021 – Brand image renewal.
We opted for a modernised and updated design of the company logo as well as the different brands and product packaging, undergoing a complete restyling.
2021 – Installation of water treatment plant.
Installation for water treatment and water consumption saving.
To continue our growth in the coming years, it’s important that we keep pushing forward. And to do so, Unión Salazonera Isleña has set the following goals:
Expansion of the sealing and packaging line, for greater flexibility in the production of RR90 and RR125 formats.
Automation of the palletising line by means of a robotic arm, increasing the efficiency and productivity of the line and our workforce.
Implementation of a customised ERP system to optimise processes and make the transition to Industry 4.0.