What can you do with the pickle? Everything you need to know about this preserving liquid

Pickling is a method of preserving food by submerging it in a solution called a pickling liquid. This liquid is typically made with vinegar, salt, and other spices and herbs.

Along with salting, pickling is one of the oldest topping liquids, since Persian and Arab food already used vinegar as a preservative for meat and fish.

Pickling can be used to preserve a variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, meats, and seafood. With any of the pickle formulas, this coverage aims to seal the properties of the food with the oil, and maintain its appearance through the seasoning provided by the vinegar. And, of course, the additional flavor that we can enhance through the spices added to the pickle recipe.

Today we come to highlight everything that marinade can give you, both nutritionally and in the preparation of your dishes, you will surely be able to get the most out of it.

What benefits do pickled preserves provide?


Escabeche is always haunted by the common myth that it is unhealthy to eat it after eating a delicious can of mussels. Why? Well, like so many other hoaxes that exist in food, it has no explanation. The pickle is made from natural ingredients, mainly oil, vinegar and salt, to preserve the contents of the can and give that special flavor. Body In addition, this coverage has a wide variety of nutritional benefits, very similar to those of fresh pickle.

  • It is a liquid rich in prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics that contribute to the balance of our intestinal health.
  • Preserving some fish with marinade enhances the presence of lean protein, as well as fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), which help strengthen the immune system.
  • In the case of pickled mussels, we find a product rich in vitamin B12, essential for the correct development of the functions of the brain, the nervous system, and for the formation of blood and proteins.
  • Among its minerals, we also find iron, iodine, potassium, zinc, magnesium or calcium, very necessary for the correct cellular development of our body.

Aside from all these benefits, we must bear in mind that the pickle has a high concentration of sodium, which means that its consumption must be carried out in a measured manner and that we be aware of responsible use, taking advantage of it as seasonings or special ingredients in other recipes. . Therefore, we are going to leave you some ideas 😉

2. How to use pickle in recipes?

There are many people who decide to dispose of the mussel pickle down the sink and that is not a good decision, on the one hand, because of the contamination it can cause in the water, since it is a liquid that contains oil. Y, por otro lado, el gran valor de este líquido de cobertura para darle un extra de sabor a multitud de recetas y aperitivos:

  • Salads: they can add a fresh and intense flavor to a potato salad to provide greater richness to the mix of flavors.
  • Sandwiches: if you soak part of the bread with the pickle, you can have a more acidic flavor in those sandwiches that are accompanied with chicken or vegetables.
  • Stews: use it as a seasoning, taking into account that the contribution of salt, oil and vinegar to your food is mainly contained in this pickle.
  • Sauces: you can make a spicy and tasty sauce by mixing the pickle with a little yogurt and creamy cheese, to accompany dishes such as tacos or quesadillas.

These are just some ideas to take advantage of the pickle in recipes, where creativity can reach wherever we want to limit it. Therefore, if you have new ideas, do not hesitate to upload them to networks and share them with us (@conservasusisa).

Enter our online store, get the pickled mussels, enjoy them and be surprised by the uses you can give to this rich topping liquid.

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