USISA – Mojama de Primera de Isla Cristina

9,20 36,60 

Top quality tuna mojama

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Premium Quality: Depsite being a level below Extra quality, this categry also comes from the inner part of the loin and has a similar flavour, although it isn’t as smooth in texture. Its marbling is more open and closer to the parallel lines.

Unlike most manufacturers, we make our mojama with only tuna and salt, avoiding the use of any colouring, flavouring or chemical preservatives.

The presence of white spots on the mojama is the result of salt precipitates caused by refrigeration, which disappear after a period of time at room temperature.

Instructions for use: remove from the fridge 15 minutes before consumption. Cut slices of mojama.
To soften the taste, add a little extra virgin olive oil. It goes great with nuts such as almonds.

Additional information

Weight N/A

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